What is Capoeira?
“Capoeira e para homen, menino e mulher,
so nao aprende quem nao quiser.”
— Mestre Pastinha
The movements used in capoeira require a lot of force in the upper and lower body and firm abdominal muscles. And the exercises that capoeira introduces build your overall strength.
Yes, capoeira is also strength training.
In capoeira you will find a lot of handstands, salt forward and backwards and similar elements. Yes, capoeira is also acrobatics and calisthenics.
When you play a game, you have to make a decision as the game follows (sometimes in flight) and your every move must be
precisely planned. Yes, capoeira is also strategic thinking.
Capoeira cannot do without perfect coordination of the whole body. Head, toes, knees, feet, arms, legs, shoulders,
back, torso… all parts of your body work together. Yes, capoeira is also a reflex and motor exercise.
In capoeira you often perform publicly. At joint lessons, in the streets, on a stage and many other places. Yes, capoeira is
also about building confidence and personal development. You will never practice capoeira alone. You will always find someone you can play with. And train. And learn. And improve skills together. Yes, capoeira is also about friendship. The family. And life. And love.
Join us and start playing! By the way, you know that when you start capoeira, do you get a great nickname? Yes, capoeira is also an identity.
The annual Capoeira graduation, called Batizado (or “baptism”), is a week-long festival, celebration and testing that also enables visiting international Mestres and students to connect. Full of energy and emotions, this annual event allows students to come in contact with the many cultural aspects of Capoeira.
This ceremony marks the evolution of a capoeirista via their passage through the various cord (belt) colours. When a student is first baptized in Capoeira, they normally receive an apelido (nickname) based on a personal characteristic. This name is specially chosen by the Mestre in order to reflect the student’s reality in the world of Capoeira. This is an old custom which is still in use today. Students who have already received their first belts move to higher belts during the batizado. This is called Troca de Cordão (change of belts).
Batizados are an occasion for all capoeiristas to demonstrate their skills and learning and also learn from teachers from all over the world who are invited to hand over cordãos to graduating students. The main batizado function is usually an hour-long event, comprising performances from all students. These performances span all aspects of capoeira, including moves, acrobatics, sequences, dances and music.
Everyone can join us
Benefits of Capoeira
There are hundreds of physical activities for people to choose from, so why should you choose capoeira over others?
Capoeira is at once a widely communal and a deeply individual experience. Once you become a capoeirista, you form an instant bond with thousands of people across the globe who share your passion. At the same time, you gain the ability to do things that you could never dream of doing and in doing so you will discover your own unique self.
Capoeira is one of the best forms of fitness as it not only includes body movements but needs strategic use of the mind to make use of these movements in the form of dance. An integral part of capoeira is it’s music which research has proved improves analytical thinking and memory. A capoeira class incorporates free movement based exercises done with individuals, couples and groups helping in strength, flexibility and coordination. Teaching in the form of games makes it fun and challenging.
Capoeira – being a non-combat, non-violent sport – allows you to express your feelings through movement without the use of words or aggression. It teaches you to defend yourself and helps you stay fit while doing it!